Our Mission

To Regenerate People, Planet & Agriculture
A Future Where Nature & People Integrate Harmoniously

Our Purpose

The Creation of Partnerships to Direct Funding into
Regenerating Agriculture & Bio Regions

The Story Behind EDEN Partners

Every Person's Life Journey is Unique

So what led to a life's mission to regenerate people, planet & agriculture?

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Create bio-regions where regenerative agriculture, decentralized finance & a new generation of entrepreneurs thrive, all while adhering to permaculture ethics a harmonious balance between the planet & its people.

How to Regenerate People, Planet & Agriculture?

Decentralize Agriculture, Decentralize Finance

Step 1

Apply Solutions Portfolio

Nature-Based + Disruptive Solutions
Create 8 Forms of Capital

Step 2

Farm Campus

+ Education + Community Bank
Venture Studio

Step 3

Create Farmers Co-Op

Lease-to-Own Model
+ Creation of a Farmers Cooperative

EDEN Partners
Global NEtwork

All the Solutions Exist to Solve Today's Global Challenges
Through Cooperation & an Abundance Mindset We Make Dreams Become Reality

Solutions Portfolio

Nature-Based & Disruptive Solutions

The two most important technologies in farming for the past 100 years are plastic pipe & electric fence." - Darren J. Doherty CPAg AIA

Nature-Based Solutions

Disruptive Solutions

Think global, act local

EDEN Partners Network + Local Partners

Taking a Holistic Approach & Working with LOCAL PARTNERS
We Work on the Ground to Ensure the Success in Regenerating Whole Regions

Upcoming regions

A mosaic of bio-regions, where all food, fiber, fuel & medicines are sourced locally.

Explore current & upcoming regions below.

Mbarara, Uganda

Explore Mbarara: The Crossroads at the Crossroads of East Africa

Discover the vibrant heart of Africa in Mbarara, where lush landscapes and thriving communities come together to forge a sustainable, regenerative bio-region like no other.

Region Focus
#dairy #beef #energy #health #education #infrastructure
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Orlando, Florida

Explore a haven where a regenerative future is nurtured by nature's legacy

The juxtaposition of suburbia & beauty of Florida's Swamps, forms eco-conscious communities thrive amidst the lush embrace of the Sunshine State.

Region Focus
#foodforests #suburbanregeneration #education #beef #aquaculture #wastetoenergy #health 
Q4 2024

Calabria, Italy

With little tourists, low costs & a beautiful countryside, experience the oldest part of Italy.

Journey to Calabria, Italy, where education, agrotourism, sustainable beef cultivation, renewable energy, and vibrant health converge in our thriving bio-region

Region Focus
#education #agrotourism #beef #cultivation #energy #health
Q1 2025

key Partners

With Shared Purpose & Partnerships,
there is Prosperity for those Who Share our Mission

We all have an opportunity to create an EDEN for future generations

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Boots-on-the-ground, we visit each region, then spend a minimum of 6 months setting up working regenerative farms, education & community banks 
  • Specializing in nature-based solutionsholistic thinking, regenerating whole regions through a co-operative network & long-term planning
  • EDEN Partners combines a global network, expertise, investors, solutions & LOCAL PARTNERS to create bio-regions & self-sovereign local communities

With an abundance mindset, we co-operate with anyone who shares our ethics & shared mission of a stable agriculture & society. 

  • Permaculture Ethics: Guided by the fundamental tenets of permaculture, we prioritize the care of planet, people, and profit, fostering the regeneration of both nature and humanity while planning for seven generations ahead.
  • Decentralization: Our commitment to decentralized food and financial systems guarantees survival and resilience.
  • Regenerative Agriculture: We adopt a holistic approach, emphasizing the keyline scale of permanences. This philosophy accentuates the regeneration of water, energy, soil, bio-diversity, and ecosystem resilience, recognizing agriculture as the cornerstone of civilizations.
  • Keyline Design: Through an integrated land design process, we ensure profitable, regenerative agro-ecological landscapes, cities, and enterprises at scale. This methodology guides all our city and farm planning efforts.
We Invest In Nature We Invest In People We Invest In Small business

Permaculture is the harmonious integration of landscape, buildings & people to provide shelter, food & energy with material & non-material needs in a sustainable way. Thus ensuring a positive future for generations ahead.